The Best Email Marketing Tool Made For Ecommerce in 2021 – Drip Review

WELCOMEE to The Online Genius, your one-stop-shop for everything relating to the online business community. Every week we provide the best tips, tricks, and tools to help you take your business to the next level. 

Did you know that the number of emails sent and received per day will pass 347 billion this year! Needless to say email marketing yields $44 for every $1 spent! That’s a 4400% return on investment! Based on these numbers it would make sense to hop in the email marketing game, wouldn’t it? 

In this article, we will be taking a look at an email marketing platform that has been making big strides in the industry. I will be taking a birds-eye view at Drip and looking at all the features, pros and cons, pricing and overall the whole quality of the CRM platform.

So without further ado, let’s hop straight into the article. 

Related: The Best Email Marketing Automation Tool For Small Businesses

What is Drip? 

My Honest Review On Drip

In a nutshell, Drip is an email marketing automation tool. However, it goes a bit further than that, it allows you to customize your email campaign workflows so that they work on auto-pilot and hit the right people at the right time with the right message. 

It is not as old as the majority of its competitors as it made its debut in 2013 but it has been making huge strides ever since. Today it is owned by the minds behind LeadPages, an online tool that helps you collect email subscribers. 

Over the last couple of years, they have completely evolved. They are now the first and only e-commerce customer relationship manager! I know, you may be asking yourself, how does this even help me? Well, in a nutshell, this platform helps people build a closer relationship with their customers. All in all, Drip is all about building a product and service that caters to the customer’s needs. 

Fun Fact: In 2019, G2 Crowd awarded Drip a spot in both its Top 50 Fastest-Growing Products and Top 50 Best Products for Marketers list. 

“We believe in working hard, lending a hand wherever we can, never settling for what worked in the past, and always reaching for a better way to do things”. – Drip


What are Drip’s best features? 

Drip has tons of super cool features that really make it stand out from its competitors. I will be taking a look at each of these features. 

Feature #1: Track All Customer Data From One Place

A screenshot of a person's activity in Drip showing various tags that have been applied to them.

This allows you to get a detailed understanding of every single person that visits your website or marketing channel. Cool right? This is done through Tags which gives you the ability to see how your consumers are interacting with your brand. Needless to say, you will be provided with every small detail that will give you the power of personalization. 

Imagine being able to track every single time a person visits their favorite product on your website and makes a purchase. Imagine how you can create personal experiences from this information. 

All in all, this allows you to see your entire customer’s journey from one location. 

Feature #2: Get Up Close And Personal 


Drip’s Workflows provide personalization at its finest. Now, this is where it gets scary, you will be able to get up close and personal with every single one of your shoppers. You will know what each shopper is looking for, opening, clicking and buying. This gives you the ability to build campaigns that are unique to them. 

Imagine being able to engage with your potential customers at the right time. This can be anything from sending a warm welcome email to an abandoned cart reminder. 

This is no doubt the #1 way to show your customers that you care about them. Fun fact, over 90% of people are more likely to shop with brands that remember and recognize them with custom content. 

Feature #3: Interact With All Of Your Visitors Regardless Of The Platform 

A screenshot of product ads on Facebook and Instagram, which you can show to your customers with Drip's automations and Facebook Custom Audiences integration.

When is the best time to engage with your customers? The best time to engage with your customers is when they are interacting with your brand whether that is simply visiting your website or responding to an email.

Drip provides behavior-based automation and workflows that will allow you to pinpoint every crucial moment! 

Drip also has the Visual Email Builder which makes it super simple to create mind-blowing emails. This tool works smoothly with the Liquid and Personalized Content in order to show your shoppers anything from product recommendations to the products they have in their cart.

Drip also integrates with Facebook, this means your customer journey doesn’t come to a halt at your website. You can then use data gathered in order to show your customers ads across Facebook and Instagram that are congruent with the email they received. 

Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention, Drip comes equipped with tons of integrations that help you engage with your customers regardless of where they are at throughout their customer journey. 

Feature #4. Optimization Is King

A screenshot of a Drip Automated Workflow with a split test running to optimize the buyer journey.

Now, what good is running twelve campaigns if you don’t know which one is making you the big bucks? If you don’t know which campaign is making the big bucks then you can’t scale and when you can’t scale that means you are leaving money on the table. 

With Drip’s ECRM you can connect your store so you will know which strategies are working and which ones need to go back to the drawing board. In addition, Drip makes it super simple to begin to collect all the data that translates into revenue! 

You will also be equipped with a dashboard where you can keep track of ALL of your metrics, from opens to clicks to unsubscribes. 

Moreover, through the Workflow Split Testing, you will be able to test which experiences have the biggest impact on your customers so you can have a perfect understanding of the types of experiences that are playing a role in your customers’ buying journey. This will allow you to do really dope tests, like being able to see if your shoppers respond better to an ad or email! 

This really shows you where your money makers and money drainers are. 


Drip Pricing 

Starter plan: Free Forever for up to 100 subscribers

Basic plan: $49 per month for up to 2500 subscribers 

Pro plan: $122 per month for up to 5000 subscribers

Enterprise plan: The price varies on the number of subscribers but it is anything beyond 5000 subscribers

Needless to say once you have 3000 + subscribers you will be given the chance to get a one-on-one walkthrough of Drip with one of their in house experts. 

You can grab your 14 day free trial at Drip by clicking here.


What Are Drips’ Pros And Cons? 

Like every other email marketing automation platform out there Drip has its fair share of pros and cons. 


  • Designed with customers in mind – The whole email marketing tool was built with giving your customers the best possible experience with your brand. 
  • Advanced Tools – You will be equipped with everything from amazing dashboards to tag-based systems. 
  • Visual Automations Builder – This allows you to get a bird’s eye of your entire campaign!



  • Can Be A Bit Pricey – Compared to its competitors Drip is on the pricier side.


Who is Drip for and is it worth it? 

A collage of images showing Drip workflow steps associated with their impact across a store's marketing materials.

Drip was made for the entrepreneur who wants to control everything from one place. It is a great email marketing tool for eCommerce, needless to say, Drip helps you understand your customers on a level that isn’t offered by most other email marketing platforms out there. 

All in all, Drip is an excellent eCommerce tool that helps you create customer loyalty like never seen before. If you run a small business and you are looked for advanced automation then Drip could be perfect for you! 

“We won’t deny that our ideas are big. Sure. But we know, every day, that we can continuously knock out big idea after big idea and ship them out because of the hearts and souls of everyone who walks through our doors.”