The 3 Best Ways To Boost Your LinkedIn Post Views in 2021

Hey Future Millionaire! Welcome to the Online Genius, your one stop shop for everything related to the online business community. 

Are you getting extremely low engagement and reach on your LinkedIn posts?

Are you frustrated by the time and effort you put into posting on LinkedIn but only receive 1-2 likes on your post?

After reading this article you will know exactly how you can position your LinkedIn posts to receive the MAXIMUM engagement and reach possible. 

Let’s dive straight into the goodies. 

The Best Way To Get Your LinkedIn Post Seen

Here is a list of the 3 best ways to get your post on LinkedIn noticed by more people!

1) Utilize the full word limit. 

LinkedIn Post

You would be surprised by how many people don’t utilize the number of characters allowed in a LinkedIn status. 

But, what is the character limit for a LinkedIn status?

It’s 1300 characters. That means you can write at least 3 or maybe even 4 solid paragraphs without going over the limit. 

That isn’t to say if you reach that character limit your post will immediately begin to perform better and you will get 10000 likes and comments. 

You have to create amazing content that adds a ton of value to your audience. Talk about what you’re passionate about. Talk about topics that your audience can relate to. For example, if you’re a chef, you may write a post on “How To Hard Boil An Egg in 5 minutes”

The whole goal behind having quality posts is to create an audience that knows, likes and trusts you. 

The more you write, the more opportunities you are giving your audience the chance to understand and really feel your content. The better they feel about your content, the higher the chances of them interacting and engaging with it. 

2) Have engaging Call To Actions

The next tip is to have engaging Call-To-Actions. You may be asking yourself, “What is a Call-To-Action?”. A Call-To-Action is basically where you tell the person reading your content what to do. As simple as that. 

Your Call-To-Action needs to be straight to the point and not open-ended. 

Here are some examples of some good Call-To-Actions: 

  • “Comment below and state your favorite dessert” (An article on How To Make A Cheesecake) 
  • “Tag a friend below who you know would like this article”
  • “List one life-changing moment in your life”

Having these engaging Call-To-Actions can really take your posts to the next level. Remember, the more people engage with your content, the more the LinkedIn algorithm will place your content in front of a larger audience. 

3) Spark a conversation

LinkedIn post

This is literally the SECRET to getting your posts to thousands of views on LinkedIn. This last tip literally works in perfect harmony with the first two. 

This is where you get your audience talking and questioning your points and thinking. 

One of the best ways that you can “Spark A Conversation” is to go against popular opinion. This can easily be done by leading your post with a shocking or controversial statement. 

Some people will agree with you, others won’t. The goal is to create enough tension between your audience that they’re arguing in the comment section. This will automatically create more engagement. The more engagement you get the more LinkedIn will place your post in front of more people. 

Here’s a very simple example of a great way to “Spark A Conversation” and gain mind-blowing engagement. Look at how he began the first sentence of his post! Check out the number of views this post got! 

LinkedIn profile

Do these LinkedIn post tips really work?

These tips are cool and all but do they really work?

The short answer is YES. These are proven tips that we have personally used to increase our reach on LinkedIn via posts. 

We can therefore comfortably say that these tips can and will work for you once applied correctly. 

If you’re looking for more ways to grow your LinkedIn reach in 2020, give our article “ 7 Amazing LinkedIn Tips To Get The Most out of LinkedIn” a read.